I'm making a horror game #04

All good things must come to an end.




Bet you thought I forgot about you, didn't you? Well... I kind of did. It's not what you think though. I had a looooong vacation and I took most of that time to just do... nothing? It was nice.

All good things must come to an end though. And by that, I mean vacation, of course. Better things came along - the return of game dev as a hobby. It had been a while since I did anything, even managed to lose some of my projects? I'm still unsure how that happened. Anyway, I have a new project. I'm committed to this one.

I am calling it "Tenebris" for now. It's (obviously) a horror game, and it's a first-person survival game. As of now, I've been working on it for 3 days. I've got a few of the base game systems up and running, such as the inventory, equipping items, and a couple more things. You can join me live on twitch every Saturday at 10AM ET where I work on this project (and sometimes play games).

What's exciting about this project is that it's a concept I've had for a while. It gives me the opportunity to explore various mechanics and enemies, which is super exciting. I'll be working with AI to make interesting enemies to face; a tough challenge, no doubt.

If you want to stay up to date with the project, consider joining my mailing list. To thank you, I'll give you access to the demo as soon as it's available!

That's all for this small update. Look forward to streams, more blog posts and twitter updates in the near future.

Until next time, I'll see you for post #05