I'm making a horror game #12

When engines duke it out.


9/16/20232 min read

Welcome to the 12th I'm making a horror game post. I'm sure you've all hear about Unity's latest news and the massive backlash from it. Today's blogpost has to do with that... kinda.

With Unity's recent plan pricing and packaging update, game devs around the world shared their outrage online and made it very clear that this is detrimental to developers, especially smaller teams. I share that sentiment.

The thing that bugged me with all of this is the fact that others may follow in Unity's footsteps, even if it's not exactly the same. That thought is terrifying. As someone who just wants to make small games, I would be in no position to dish out so much money just for using a specific engine.

I've worked with Unity in the past, but now I'm never going back to it. I have been working in Unreal Engine for the past couple of months and I'm comfortable with it - mostly because of Blueprints. However, even Unreal has a royalty fee (albeit after reaching a certain revenue threshold.) To me, that indicates that at any point in time, if Epic felt like making more money for whatever reason they see fit, they could change these terms on a whim.



The Godot game engine! That's the solution.

Godot is the only engine that will not be at the mercy of investors looking to line their pockets, or stock manipulation (Unity's CEO apparently sold a lot of stocks before the announcement was made.)

I've dabbled in Godot before, but I was so stuck on needing Blueprints and my comfort zone that I didn't give it a fair chance. This time around, I'm going to really give it a shot by trying to recreate what I've done so far in Unreal with Blueprints.

One thing worth noting is that Godot is extremely lightweight, it runs super fast and doesn't take ages to compile (unlike some *cough* Unity *cough*.)

Additionally, the community is great and extremely supportive, the documentation is constantly updated and clear - what's not to like?

My only small concern is the lack of built-in console support. If ever I chose to port a game to a console, I'm not sure how I would do it. Either way, let's start with PC first.

Thanks for reading!

There's quite a bit of work ahead of me, but I'm excited to learn this new tool (and without the looming threat of investors' whims)!

I'll see you for part #13!